Outline's SPL Domina is a real-time sound level monitoring, and/or monitoring/control system. Designed and built with the aid of avant-garde digital techniques, SPL Domina comprises a programmable Central Unit (Domina), to which up to three Class 2 sound level measurement units (SPL Sense) and up to three audio signal control units (SPL Control) can be connected. Domina can be used in numerous situations, for monitoring purposes only or for the twin function of sound pressure level monitoring and control. In the latter case, the

System can limit the level produced by one or more sound systems, according to sound level (SPL) measurement or by measuring the line signal level. Lastly, for each of the three channels available, the Domina unit has TTL prealarm and alarm outputs whose intervention is obviously programmable. It's therefore possible to interface simple optic or acoustic warning devices with the System, or complex dedicated control systems (see industrial monitoring and control applications).



    This Central Unit is able to carry out either a single Monitoring function or twin Monitoring and Control" functions on one or more sound reinforcement system. Domina, is a microprocessor-based unit which can be programmed by users, who can set and store all the settings for each of the modules inserted. Domina's obviously has a non-volatile memory, which enables it to run independently and continuously even after a power failure. Domina offers 16 programs for each of the three channels and each program is subdivided into 16 time intervals in which all the monitoring e control functions can be set.


    Sound level meter/micro unit, comprises a sound meter card (fitted in the "Domina" unit) and an external compensated preamplified microphonic unitClass 2 certificate, according to EN60651 / EN60804 standards (previously IEC651 / IEC804). Instead of a microphone, an audio line signal can be connected directly to the input of the Sound level meter


    This volume control unit is a digital potentiometer whose intervention on the audio line signal of a sound reinforcement system is controlled by the Domina central unit according to the data received from SPL Sense and the regulations set.


    Software for PC which greatly facilitates and streamlines the use and programming of the SPL Domina System.



    SPL Domina Systems can be effectively used for measuring industrial sound emissions (both indoors, to study the noise levels of production cycles or machines and outdoors, to study the emission of noise which disturbs the neighbouring areas), for measuring noise caused by circulation (for example inside an environmental measurement centre), or even the measurement of emissions caused by public venues such as bars, discotheques, pubs, betting shops, etc…, which disturb the neighbours.


    When monitoring and controlling sound emitted by sound reinforcement systems, the SPL Domina system can be used to meet the requirements of various norms, including for example that indicating the maximum sound levels permitted in public venues with sound systems, or excessive emission outside or in an area in which some staff work. In all Monitoring e Control applications, whether microphones are used for the monitoring, or when the line signal is monitored, the Control can be made to intervene according to "weighting" criteria (A,B,C or Flat) set for measurement, making intervention closer to the limits to be respected. For these applications, there are two typical configurations:

    SPL DOMINA CONTROL: provides for the Monitoring and Control of one or more sound system via SPL Monitoring with one or more SPL Sense units. This involves a Domina central unit , an SPL Sense unit (up to three) and an SPL Control unit (up to three).

    SPL DOMINA LEVEL: provides for the Monitoring and Control of one or more sound system via Monitoring of the line SIGNAL, fed to the input of the sound level meter card, from which the microphone has been disconnected.

This involves a Domina central unit an SPL Control unit (up to three) and a special interface cable.